what to do with hot peppers

what to do with hot peppers

1 year ago 37

Hot peppers are a versatile ingredient that can add flavor and spice to many dishes. Here are some ways to use hot peppers:

  1. Dry them: Hang hot peppers to dry by threading a needle through the stem area of the pepper and running it down the thread. Tie a loop in the end of the thread and hang it on a nail or hook on the wall. In a few weeks, the peppers will be beautifully dried. Once they have cooled, grind them up in a blender or spice grinder. Use the chili powder as is, or mix with salt according to your taste. This pepper salt will give a wonderful flavor to finish off any dish you want to use it on.

  2. Freeze them: Freeze hot peppers whole or chopped. They can be used in soups, stews, and other dishes later on.

  3. Can them: Puree hot peppers into a spread before canning. Pickle a variety of different peppers—bell peppers, banana peppers, jalapeño or habanero peppers—together. Just be aware that adding any hot peppers to the mix will turn all the peppers in the jar spicy once you add the brine, so add them sparingly.

  4. Make hot sauce: Ferment hot peppers into hot sauce. Fill a two-quart jar with any type(s) of fresh hot chilies, garlic cloves, and onion or thinly sliced carrot (both optional). Following a fermentation guide, make a saltwater brine and pour over the chili mixture, pushing them down so they are completely covered. After a few days, blend the mixture and strain it through a fine-mesh sieve. The resulting liquid is your hot sauce.

  5. Make relish or jelly: Make hot pepper relish or jelly. You can use any kind of hot chili pepper in the relish. If you’re a gardener, this is a great way to preserve your pepper harvest. Spoon hot pepper jelly over some cream cheese for an instant crowd-pleasing dish.

  6. Add to dishes: Add hot peppers to soups, casseroles, pasta, stir-fries, and other dishes. They can also be used to make marinades, sauces, salads, and more.

Remember to be careful when handling hot peppers, wear gloves to protect your hands from the capsaicin, and never rub your eyes.

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