In Red Dead Redemption 2, legendary animals offer perfect pelts with every kill, and they can be sold to the trapper to make into garments, outfits, and trinkets). Heres what you can do with legendary animals:
Sell to the trapper: Take the legendary animals pelt and body to the trapper, who can be found in several locations around the map). Selling one legendary pelt will give the trapper multiple sections to work with, so one legendary pelt can be used to craft multiple items).
Craft garments, outfits, and trinkets: The trapper can use the legendary animals pelt to craft unique garments, outfits, and trinkets). These items can provide various benefits, such as increased stamina or better animal detection.
To hunt legendary animals, you need to track them down and kill them. Once you enter the legendary animals territory, youll get an alert in the top left corner of your screen. From there, you need to find and inspect clues by triggering your Eagle Eye. You might also see a yellow particle cloud highlighting a clue. Here are some tips for hunting legendary animals:
Use a strong weapon: Legendary animals are generally bigger and tougher than non-legendary animals, so its important to use a strong weapon. The Rolling Block Rifle is a good choice, as it has plenty of power and range.
Use special ammo: Since pelt quality doesnt matter for legendary animals, it makes sense to use whatever ammo packs the most punch. Express Ammo is a good choice.
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