what to do with old mattresses

what to do with old mattresses

1 year ago 37

There are several options for disposing of old mattresses, including:

  1. Mattress Stewardship Program: Californias Mattress Stewardship Program ensures used mattresses, box springs, and futons are reused, recycled, or properly disposed. California residents can drop off their old mattress at no cost at a participating collection site or recycling facility.

  2. Retailer Take Back: If you are having your mattress delivered, California law requires your retailer to offer to take back your old mattress at no additional cost. Retailers or the companies they use to pick up used mattresses can recycle those units with MRC’s Bye Bye Mattress program by taking them directly to a participating recycling facility or using MRC’s Commercial Volume Program.

  3. Curbside Pick Up: Some local governments may provide a free bulky item pickup. Contact your city or waste hauler to learn more or see if a free drop-off location is nearby.

  4. Donating Your Mattress: Many people opt to donate their mattresses instead of disposing of them. This is a great opportunity to do something meaningful for people in need, while also making space for your new mattress. You can find local collectives, non-profits, and smaller organizations that will take your mattress and use it to help locally in your community.

  5. Recycling Your Mattress: Mattresses are readily recyclable, and many parts of a mattress can be used in gardening or upcycled in various ways. For example, if your mattress has springs, you can go to a local scrap metal dealership, and many will actually pay you to take metal springs off your hands. You can also upcycle your mattress or parts of your mattress.

It is important to properly dispose of old mattresses to reduce the number of mattresses disposed of in landfills, reduce the illegal dumping of mattresses, and increase mattress recycling.

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