what to do with potted mums after blooming

what to do with potted mums after blooming

1 year ago 79

After potted mums finish blooming, there are several things you can do with them. Here are some options:

  1. Deadhead Them: Cut back the faded flowers by about one-quarter of their height. This will encourage the plant to produce more blooms.

  2. Place Them in a Larger Pot: Mums are usually root-bound when you purchase them, so repotting them in a larger container with quality potting soil mix can help keep them healthy and vibrant.

  3. Plant Them in Your Yard or Garden: Mums are hardy perennials and can survive winters from USDA hardiness zones 5-9. You can plant them directly into a sunny garden location or incorporate them into mixed species plantings.

  4. Overwinter Them Indoors: Before freezing weather occurs, give the mums you hope to overwinter a bit of liquid fertilizer higher in phosphorus to stimulate root growth. Then, move them to a cool, dark place with temperatures between 32 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Water them sparingly until spring, when you can move them back outside.

  5. Add Them to Your Compost: If you dont want to keep your potted mums, you can add them to your compost pile.

Additionally, you can prune your mums to encourage a second bloom or even a third and fourth bloom. Prune them back so that they grow back mounded rather than tall and lanky.

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