what to do with pumpkin seeds after carving

what to do with pumpkin seeds after carving

1 year ago 42

After carving a pumpkin, there are several things you can do with the pumpkin seeds instead of throwing them away. Here are some ideas:

  1. Roast them for a snack: Roasting pumpkin seeds is a popular way to enjoy them. Simply wash and dry the seeds, toss them with a little olive oil and sea salt, and roast them on a parchment paper-lined baking sheet at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes. You can also experiment with your favorite spices and flavors.

  2. Save them for planting: If youre cultivating a backyard garden (or want to start one next year), you may want to save those seeds for planting. You can clean and dry them for long-term storage, and then plant them to grow new pumpkins in the spring.

  3. Make pumpkin seed butter: Pumpkin seed butter is a delicious spread that you can make at home by grinding the seeds in a food processor until they are smooth. Add oil and salt for taste, and try adding honey and cinnamon for even more flavor.

  4. Make pumpkin seed brittle: Pumpkin seed brittle is a sweet treat that you can make by combining pumpkin seeds with sugar, corn syrup, and butter. Cook the mixture until it reaches the hard crack stage, and then spread it out on a baking sheet to cool.

  5. Add them to trail mix: Roasted pumpkin seeds can be a great addition to trail mix, along with other nuts, dried fruit, and chocolate chips.

  6. Use them for compost: If you dont want to use your pumpkin seeds at all after carving your jack-o-lantern, you can add them to a compost pile. Combine green material (such as lawn cuttings and food scraps) and twice as much brown material (dry leaves, newspaper, and hay) to start the pile from scratch.

Remember to rinse the seeds thoroughly to remove any pulp before using them.

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