what to do with xl candy

what to do with xl candy

1 year ago 47

XL Candy is a special type of Pokémon Candy that is needed to power up Pokémon from Level 40 to Level 50 in Pokemon Go. You cannot start earning XL Candy until you are Trainer Level 31. There are several ways to get XL Candy, including catching unevolved or evolved Pokémon, catching Legendary or Mythical Pokémon, successfully catching a Raid boss, hatching eggs, transferring Pokémon, and converting regular Candy to XL Candy. The quickest way to get XL Candy is to catch Pokémon, as players have a chance of receiving 1-3 XL Candy per catch. Its important to note that XL Candy is specific to Pokémon families, so Squirtle XL Candy will only work on Squirtle, Wartortle, and Blastoise, for example. Once you have XL Candy, you can use it to power up your Pokémon past Level 40 by selecting the Power Up option. Its worth noting that it takes a total of 296 XL Candy to power up a non-Shadow Pokémon up to Level 50.

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