what to expect after ear tube surgery in adults

what to expect after ear tube surgery in adults

1 year ago 42

Ear tube surgery, also known as tympanostomy, is a common procedure that involves placing a small tube through the eardrum to allow air to flow inward and fluid to drain out of the middle ear. The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia for children and under local anesthesia for adults. Here is what to expect after ear tube surgery in adults:

  • Recovery Room: After the surgery, you will spend some time in the recovery room. You might experience some side effects from the surgery and anesthesia, including grogginess and nausea.

  • Discomfort: You may have some discomfort in your affected ear for 1 to 2 days after your procedure.

  • Antibiotics: Your surgeon may prescribe antibiotic ear drops to treat infection.

  • Follow-up: Your surgeon will check on you after your procedure to make sure you’re doing well. They may recommend wearing earplugs during certain activities, such as swimming and showering. After surgery, your surgeon will check on you every few months to monitor the tubes and make sure they’re functioning. They might recommend a hearing test as well.

  • Popping and Pain: Once the tubes are inserted, you may feel some popping, pulsation, or clicking in the ear. There will also be some minor pain, especially when burping, chewing, or yawning. The fluid will slowly run out as the days progress, and some patients see a clear discharge on the ear. The doctor doesn’t need to close the incision as the ear heals around the tube. By then, the tubes will fall out naturally. If the tubes fall out prematurely, immediately contact the physician.

  • Return to Normal Activities: Most people can return to work the day after the procedure.

  • Benefits: Ear tube surgery can have several benefits, including reducing the risk of infections in the future, restoring hearing loss, improving speech and balance issues, improving certain behavioral issues or sleeping issues, and improving a child’s performance in school.

  • Complications: As with any type of surgery, ear tube surgery may have certain complications. These include complications from anesthesia, damage to structures in the ear, problems with the tubes, excessive bleeding during or after surgery, and infection. However, the procedure of inserting ear tubes is safe, and most parents report that their children have fewer ear infections and better hearing after the procedure.

In summary, after ear tube surgery in adults, you can expect some discomfort, antibiotic ear drops, and follow-up appointments with your surgeon. You may also experience popping, pulsation, or clicking in the ear, and some minor pain. Most people can return to work the day after the procedure.

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