After IUD removal, you should expect the following:
- Mild cramping: You may experience mild cramps as your doctor removes the IUD.
- Light bleeding: You may have some light bleeding after IUD removal, and some slight cramping during and right after removal. This can last for hours or days after the procedure.
- Normalcy: You should feel completely normal after getting your IUD taken out.
- Return to fertility: Once your doctor removes your IUD, your body and fertility quickly return to how they were before. Because IUDs usually do not stop ovulation, you can potentially get pregnant right away. If you’re worried about pregnancy, it’s essential to use a backup form of birth control.
- Return to regular periods: After hormonal IUD removal, your periods might take a few months to return to normal. That’s because the hormones make the lining of your uterus thinner, so it takes time to build up. You should call your doctor if it’s been more than six months with no period after IUD removal.
It is important to note that there is a slight chance that your IUD wont come out easily. It may get stuck in the wall of your uterus. If this happens, your doctor may need to widen your cervix with medicine and use forceps to pull it out. They may use a thin, lighted scope to look inside your vagina and uterus to remove the IUD. Youll get medicine to prevent pain during this procedure.