what to expect after knee replacement surgery

what to expect after knee replacement surgery

1 year ago 38

After knee replacement surgery, patients can expect a period of recovery and rehabilitation that can take several months. Here are some things to expect during the recovery process:

Immediately After Surgery

  • Patients will wake up from anesthesia and begin to regain feeling in their legs.
  • Patients will be taken to the recovery room and then to a hospital room.
  • Patients may see a metal triangle called a trapeze over their bed, which they can use to help move themselves around in bed.
  • Patients will be very tired and will want to rest.
  • Patients will be getting fluids into their vein through an IV tube.
  • Patients may have a tube called a drain near the cut (incision) in their knee.
  • Patients may not feel hungry and may feel sick to their stomach or constipated for a couple of days.

First Week After Surgery

  • Patients should be able to negotiate the stairs in their home just one week after surgery.
  • Patients should be able to get in and out of bed independently and walk outdoors.
  • Patients may have mild to moderate swelling for about 3 to 6 months after surgery.
  • Patients may experience altered appetite, which can last up to a week.
  • Patients may experience some pain and discomfort.

Three Months After Surgery

  • Patients may still be experiencing some minor stiffness in their knee.
  • Patients may have some aching or swelling in their knee, especially after sitting for long periods or upon waking.
  • Patients should be able to walk without a cane or walker.

One Year After Surgery

  • Patients should be fully recovered from a function standpoint, range of motion standpoint, and pain standpoint.

During the recovery process, patients will work with their healthcare team to develop a customized recovery and rehabilitation plan. This plan can help patients leave the hospital sooner, regain knee strength and range of motion more quickly, resume independent living sooner, and avoid potential complications. Patients will also need to follow up with their healthcare team and attend appointments to ensure a safe and successful recovery.

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