what to feed a 3 week old kitten

what to feed a 3 week old kitten

1 year ago 41

At three weeks old, kittens can start to be introduced to wet food. Here are some tips for feeding a 3-week-old kitten:

  • Mix the wet food with kitten formula to get the ball rolling.
  • Either let the kittens eat the mixture themselves from a dish or feed it to them with kitten-specific bottles.
  • If feeding with a bottle, feed kittens on their stomachs—not their backs—and tilt the bottle. After they’re done eating, you need to burp them. Put them on your shoulder or on their stomachs and pat them gently until they burp.
  • Clean kittens using a warm, damp washcloth after you feed them.
  • Kittens of this age will eat much more at each feeding, but you’ll feed them less frequently. Feeding frequency: Every five to six hours.
  • Food is a great tool to socialize kittens. When you feed the kittens wet food, stay in the room so they associate you with food and start to trust you. Over time, move the food plate closer to your body while you sit in the room, until the plate is in your lap and the kittens are comfortable crawling.

Its important to note that not all three-week-old kittens should eat the same amount of food, and the feeding frequency is also individual. Here is a general feeding schedule for kittens:

  • Up to 1 week old: every 2-3 hours
  • 2 weeks old: every 3-4 hours
  • 3 weeks old: every 4-6 hours

Its also important to offer your kitten a bowl of fresh water to make sure that they’re staying hydrated.

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