what to feed a kitten

what to feed a kitten

1 year ago 34

Feeding a kitten is an important aspect of its care. Here are some general guidelines on what to feed a kitten:

  1. Kitten food: Its important to feed your kitten a good quality kitten food or a food labeled for all feline life stages. Kitten food is formulated to meet the nutritional needs of growing kittens. Its recommended to stick to the same brand of food to maintain consistency, but you can change flavors of food.

  2. Canned food: Very young kittens should have at least some canned food to eat as part of their diet. Without some canned food, they won’t get enough nutrition to grow properly. If you are feeding your kitten both dry and canned foods, then twice a day canned feedings are sufficient. If they’re only eating canned food, they should be fed four times daily.

  3. Dry food: Free-feeding kittens is usually done with dry food, leaving a bowl out all the time so the food is readily available. This is convenient for pet parents, especially if they have busy schedules. The benefit to this type of feeding is that your kitten can eat when they want and ideally self-regulate how much they need.

  4. Water: Ensure clean fresh drinking water is available at all times but do not provide milk as this can cause gastrointestinal upsets.

  5. Treats: Its okay to feed your kitten treats, as long as you follow the “10% calorie rule,” which means that treats should make up less than 10% of your kitten’s total calorie intake. Avoid giving your kitten table scraps, as some human foods are toxic to cats.

  6. Weaning: Weaning is the gradual transition from a diet of only mother’s milk or an appropriate milk replacer to solid foods. For kittens, this generally begins around 3 to 4 weeks of age. Start by offering a gruel made from high-quality canned kitten food mixed with warm water several times a day. Also put out a small bowl of water. For large litters, set up several feeding stations to ensure that everyone has access to what they need.

  7. Frequency: Kittens should be offered food at least 4 times per day. Take care not to overfeed or underfeed your kitten. Your vet will be able to weigh your kitten, assess your kitten’s body condition score and provide advice.

Its important to note that each kitten is an individual, so seek veterinary advice, particularly if your kitten has any special dietary needs or has a reaction to a standard diet.

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