what to feed chickens stardew valley

what to feed chickens stardew valley

1 year ago 36

To feed chickens in Stardew Valley, there are two options: hay and fresh grass. Chickens will eat hay, which can be purchased from Marnie for 50 gold or obtained by cutting grass using a scythe. To feed chickens with hay, players can place it on the feeding bench inside the coop. If players have a silo on their farm, they can withdraw hay from the hay hopper inside the coop and place it on top of the feeding bench. Once players have upgraded their coop to the Deluxe Coop, the hay will automatically transfer from the silo to the Deluxe Coop, so players will no longer need to manually place their hay to feed their chickens.

Fresh grass is another option to feed chickens. Players can let their chickens out to graze during the day in Spring, Summer, or Fall, and they will eat the grass that is already growing on the farm, if available. To feed fresh grass to chickens, players can open the door thats outside coops and let the animals roam free until they find the grass.

Its important to feed chickens regularly, as their product quality is heavily dependent on whether or not theyre fed.

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