what to feed chickens to make them lay eggs

what to feed chickens to make them lay eggs

1 year ago 31

To make chickens lay eggs, it is important to provide them with a nutritionally balanced diet that meets their specific needs. Here are some tips on what to feed chickens to make them lay eggs:

  1. Complete feed: The simplest way to feed a small flock of chickens is to purchase a complete feed from a feed store. Complete feeds provide nutritionally balanced diets for chickens.

  2. Layer feed: Once your chickens start laying eggs (around 20 weeks of age), they should be switched to a layer feed. Layer feeds are formulated for chickens laying table eggs (those used for human consumption) and contain the necessary nutrients for egg production.

  3. Calcium: Laying hens require large amounts of calcium for eggshells. Laying mashes typically contain 2.5% to 3.5% calcium. Growing chickens require only 1.2% calcium in their feed. If you feed high-calcium diets to growing chickens, kidney damage can result. It may also be necessary to supplement the diet of laying hens with ground oyster shell on a free-choice basis.

  4. Protein: Feeding the chickens extra protein twice a day helps encourage egg laying. It takes a lot of protein to make an egg, and giving them extra protein later in the day after they lay an egg helps the egg process along by giving them extra protein to start the egg laying cycle for the next day.

  5. Treats: Giving chickens treats can help improve their overall health and egg-laying. Some treats that can help your hens lay more eggs include mealworms, eggs and eggshells, greens, watermelon and fruit, Japanese beetles, sunflower seeds, scratch grains, and cracked corn.

It is important to note that chickens will typically lay one egg or less during a day, and that will decrease with age. Also, it is recommended to use a diet of premium laying mash or pellet, along with occasional fresh fruit, vegetables, mealworms, and other healthy treats.

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