what to feed hedgehog

what to feed hedgehog

1 year ago 39

Hedgehogs are insectivores and need a diet that is high in protein and low in fat. Here are some foods that can be fed to hedgehogs:

  • High-quality hedgehog food: This should be the main component of a hedgehogs diet. It can be supplemented with high-quality, low-fat cat food.

  • Insects: Live or freeze-dried mealworms, crickets, and waxworms are good sources of protein and chitin for hedgehogs.

  • Fruits and vegetables: Fresh tomatoes, fresh green beans, cooked squash, apples, bananas, berries, and melons are some options that hedgehogs may enjoy.

  • Cooked meat and eggs: High protein, low-fat canned dog or cat food, as well as cooked chicken, scrambled or hard-boiled eggs can be offered in small amounts to a pet hedgehog.

It is important to avoid feeding hedgehogs the following foods:

  • Lettuce and celery: These are low in nutritional value.

  • Avocados: They are toxic to hedgehogs.

  • Raw meats or raw eggs: These can cause health problems for hedgehogs.

  • Milk and milk-based foods: Hedgehogs are not able to digest milk, and consumption of milk and milk-based foods may lead to diarrhea.

  • Nuts, seeds, or hard foods such as raw carrots: These may get stuck in the roof of the mouth (especially peanut halves) .

It is also important to avoid feeding hedgehogs bread and milk, as they are lactose intolerant and bread is low in energy. When feeding hedgehogs, it is recommended to leave out shallow dishes of water and food, and to clean the dishes daily to reduce the risk of spreading disease between different hedgehogs that might eat from the same dish.

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