what to feed kittens

what to feed kittens

1 year ago 30

Feeding kittens is an important aspect of their care, and its essential to provide them with the right nutrition to support their growth and development. Here are some tips on what to feed kittens:

  • Canned food: Its important that very young kittens have at least some canned food to eat as part of their diet. Very small kittens have very small teeth and can’t chew dry food well. Without some canned food, they won’t get enough nutrition to grow properly. If you are feeding your kitten both dry and canned foods, then twice a day canned feedings are sufficient. If they’re only eating canned food, they should be fed four times daily.

  • Dry food: Dry kitten food can be introduced as your kitten grows. Its best to start feeding wet kitten food and introducing dry kitten food as your kitten grows. Kittens should be offered food at least 4 times per day. Take care not to overfeed or underfeed your kitten. Your vet will be able to weigh your kitten, assess your kitten’s body condition score and provide advice. Please ensure clean fresh drinking water is available at all times but do not provide milk as this can cause gastrointestinal upsets.

  • Meat: Kittens need protein to support their growth, and meat is an excellent source of protein. You can offer your kitten bits of cooked beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, venison, or other lean meats. Avoid fatty meats, greasy fried meats, or those with salts, nitrates, or preservatives. Don’t give your kitten hot dogs, bacon, or sausage as these will upset her digestive system; potentially causing diarrhea. When you give her some meat, dice or shred it into tiny pieces. Some kittens get greedy and may choke on large pieces.

  • Vegetables: Although cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they are carnivores that must eat meat, adding some vegetables to your kitten’s diet will add fiber and some vitamins and minerals. A few broccoli florets or some finely diced lettuce or other salad greens can be offered. A pinch at a time is plenty.

  • Treats: It’s okay to feed your kitten treats, as long as you follow the “10% calorie rule.” This means that treats should make up less than 10% of your kitten’s total calorie intake. But this doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to turn your leftover table scraps into treats for your kitten. Also, take precautions with the following foods: raw meat or liver, alcohol, onions, onion powder, garlic, chocolate, coffee or caffeine products, mouldy or spoiled foods or compost, avocado, bread dough, yeast dough, grapes, raisins, sultanas, currants, nuts, fruit stones or ‘pits’, fruit seeds, corncobs, tomatoes, mushrooms, cooked bones, small pieces of raw bone, fatty trimmings/fatty foods, salt, and roughly-cut vegetables.

  • Feeding schedule: Kitten feeding charts vary according to the foods you buy but typically, you can expect kittens aged up to 6 months to feed 3-4 times per day. Once they reach the 6-month milestone, they can eat two larger meals. Follow portion guidelines. Standard instructions recommend ¼ to ? of a cup.

Its important to note that each kitten is an individual, and you should seek veterinary advice, particularly if your kitten has any special dietary needs or has a reaction to a standard diet.

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