If your dog is experiencing mild constipation, there are several home remedies that you can try to help relieve their discomfort:
Hydration: Make sure your dog has constant access to fresh water to prevent dehydration, which can worsen constipation.
Higher fiber dog food: Switching to a dog food with higher fiber content can help regulate bowel movements.
Canned dog food: Incorporating wet canned food into your dogs diet can help ease constipation by increasing moisture in their intestinal tract.
Canned pumpkin puree: 100% pure canned pumpkin puree is high in fiber, good for hydration, and helps relieve constipation and diarrhea. Add about one teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight to your dog’s dry food.
Exercise: Take your dog for long walks to get their bowels moving and stimulate a healthy movement. Exercises like running, fetch, and chase are great ways to promote a healthy digestive tract.
Apple cider vinegar: Mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into your dog’s food. That small amount should be enough to relieve your dog’s constipation.
Probiotics: Dog probiotics boost your dog’s digestive health. These supplements are available online or at your local pet store. They help restore a natural balance to your dog’s gut, which can aid in regularity.
Fiber supplements: Powdered fiber supplements, such as wheat bran or powdered psyllium seeds, can help relieve constipation.
Low-residue diet: A low-residue diet is often a better long-term solution for persistent constipation. This kind of diet means your dog may digest more nutrients and have less waste to pass into the colon.
If your dog is showing severe symptoms of constipation, such as discomfort, pacing, straining to defecate, panting, looking at or licking their belly frequently, or hasn’t pooped for more than three days, you should call your vet for an appointment as soon as possible.