what to look for in an air purifier

what to look for in an air purifier

1 year ago 33

When looking for an air purifier, there are several factors to consider to ensure that you choose the right one for your needs. Here are some things to look for:

  1. Room size: Measure the size of the room you want to purify to determine the appropriate CADR minimum rating.

  2. Type of filter: Look for an air purifier that has a HEPA filter, which captures 99.97% of particles that are 0.3 microns in diameter. If you have allergies, consider an air purifier designed for allergy relief that has multiple filters, including HEPA filters.

  3. Filtration stages: Some air purifiers have multiple filtration stages, including activated carbon filters, which can help remove odors and chemicals.

  4. CADR rating: Check the air purifiers CADR (Clean Air Delivery Rate) rating, which shows how quickly the air purifier can filter air.

  5. Energy efficiency: Look for air purifiers that are Energy Star-rated by the EPA to save money and conserve energy.

  6. Maintenance: Consider the ease of maintenance and the follow-up costs for replacement filters.

  7. Noise level: Check the noise levels in product specs, especially if you plan to use the air purifier in a bedroom or other quiet space.

  8. Price: Consider the price of the unit and the annual operating costs, which include filter replacements and energy use to run the machine 24 hours a day for an entire year.

By considering these factors, you can choose an air purifier that effectively removes harmful particles and gases from the air in your home, and meets your specific needs.

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