what to put on a nettle sting

what to put on a nettle sting

1 year ago 42

If you have been stung by a nettle, there are several things you can do to relieve the symptoms. Here are some tips from the search results:

  • Wash the affected area with soap and water: This should be done as soon as possible after the sting to help remove the chemicals that cause the reaction.

  • Apply a cool compress: This can help to relieve the pain and itching.

  • Try aloe vera: This can help to soothe the skin.

  • Make a paste from baking soda and water: This can be applied to the affected area to help relieve the symptoms.

  • Use a dock leaf: If you can find one, rubbing a dock leaf on the affected area can help to soothe the sting.

  • Avoid scratching or rubbing the area: This can push the chemicals deeper into the skin and make the reaction worse.

  • Take OTC pain relievers: This can help to relieve the pain.

Its important to note that if you have a severe allergic reaction to a nettle sting, you should seek immediate medical attention. Symptoms of a severe allergic reaction include difficulty breathing, wheezing, feeling dizzy or faint, and nausea.

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