what to put on a rash that itches

what to put on a rash that itches

1 year ago 40

There are several options to relieve an itchy rash, depending on the cause and severity of the rash. Here are some suggestions from the search results:

  • Hydrocortisone cream: This cream is available over-the-counter and can soothe many rashes. Stronger hydrocortisone or other steroid creams are available with a prescription.

  • Oatmeal bath: This can be very soothing, especially for blisters or oozing skin due to chickenpox, hives, poison ivy, or sunburn. Heres how to make an oatmeal bath: add an oatmeal bath product, such as AVEENO® Oilated Oatmeal, to lukewarm water in the bathtub, and soak for a little while.

  • Moisturize your skin: Always choose a moisturizer free of additives, fragrances, and perfumes. Apply a good moisturizer (choose a cream, oil, or petroleum-based product) to the rash. One good brand is Aquaphor® Advanced Therapy Healing Ointment.

  • Apply cooling agents: Apply topical anesthetics that contain pramoxine. Apply cooling agents, such as menthol or calamine. You could also place your moisturizer in the refrigerator to help achieve this cooling effect.

  • Avoid scratching: While treating your skin, avoid scratching, as this will further irritate your skin and could increase your risk for a skin infection.

Its important to note that the treatment for itching will largely depend on the cause. If the rash persists or worsens despite treatment, its best to speak with a healthcare professional.

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