Rabi ul Awwal is the third month of the Islamic calendar and is considered to be a month of renewal and an excellent time to remind ourselves of the significant events that took place in the life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) . There are several ways to make the most of this month, including:
Increase Salutations upon the Prophet (pbuh): Rabi al-Awwal is an excellent time to establish the habit of sending regular Salawaat upon Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) .
Give Charity: Giving charity is a way to show gratitude towards Allah during Rabi al-Awwal.
Learn more about the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh): Pick up a copy of the Seerah and learn about the Prophet Muhammads (pbuh) life, his mannerisms, and beautiful character.
Perform Nafl Prayers: On the first of Rabi ul Awwal, one should perform 16 Raka’h Nafl, in sections of 2 Raka’ah and intentions of 2 Raka’ah each and in each Raka’ah recite after Surah Al-Fatihah, Surah Ikhlas 3 times. On the 12th of Rabi ul Awwal, after Zuhar prayer, read two rakaat prayer, in the first Rakaat after Surah Fateha recite Surah e Kafiroon three times, and in the second rakaat after Surah Fateha recite sura e Ikhlas three times.
Revive a Sunnah: Revive a Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) during this month.
Reconnect with Allah swt: Rabi’ al Awwal is a time for renewal, being grateful to Allah swt, and reviving our connection with Him and His Messenger by learning more about them.
It is also recommended to fast on the first of Rabi ul Awwal. If anyone recites in the month of Rabi-ul-Awwal one hundred and twenty-five thousand times any one of the following 2 Duroods, they will certainly see the beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in a dream.
- Allahumma Rabba haazihid dawatit tammatee wassalaatil qaaimatee aatee Muhammadanil wasilata wal fadhilata...
- Sallallahu ala Muhammadin wa Aale Muhammadin Kama Sallaita Ala Ibrahima Wa Aale Ibrahima Innaka Hamidum Majid.
These are some of the ways to make the most of Rabi ul Awwal.