what to say at yom kippur

what to say at yom kippur

1 year ago 50

Yom Kippur is a solemn and reflective holiday, so its important to choose an appropriate greeting when speaking to someone who is observing it. Here are some suggestions based on the search results:

  • "Have an easy fast" is a common greeting in English.
  • "May your sealing be sweet".
  • "Have a blessed Yom Kippur".
  • "Have a meaningful Yom Kippur".
  • "Warmest wishes for a meaningful holiday".
  • "Tzom kal" is Hebrew for "have an easy fast".
  • "G'mar chatima tova" is the customary greeting on Yom Kippur, which means "May you be sealed in the Book of Life".

It's important to note that saying "Happy Yom Kippur" is not appropriate, as the holiday is not about being happy, but rather about self-examination and atonement.

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