what to say to get out of jury duty

what to say to get out of jury duty

1 year ago 33

Jury duty is an important civic duty, and courts issue summonses through random selection, so theres nothing you can do to avoid being called for duty. However, there are some legitimate reasons for avoiding jury duty, and you should go through the legal process of getting yourself excused if you have one of these reasons. Here are some ways to get out of jury duty:

  • Request a postponement: Many courts allow one postponement, and you can request a later date online or by calling the contact number listed on your summons. If you’re given the option to request when your next serve date is, choose a date in December since you’ll be least likely to get called in then.

  • Use a valid excuse: If you have a medical or mental health condition that would prevent you from serving, you may be able to get out of jury duty with a valid doctor’s note. Some states also allow full-time students to be excused from jury duty. If you have young children, you may be able to convince the court that you cannot arrange for day-care or a babysitter.

  • Tell the judge and attorneys: If you feel you should not serve as a juror, or if you know the parties, witnesses, or attorneys involved in the case, tell the judge and attorneys as soon as possible. If you are not excused, you will become a member of the jury and will take an oath.

It is important to note that lying to get out of jury duty can result in steep fines and even incarceration.

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