what to train with shoulders

what to train with shoulders

1 year ago 35

The shoulders are an important muscle group to train, and there are many exercises that can be done to target them. Here are some exercises that can be done to train the shoulders:

  • Overhead shoulder press
  • Seated shoulder press
  • Lateral press
  • Dumbbell lateral raises
  • Bent over dumbbell lateral raises
  • Standing shrugs

Its important to note that when working out, its best to target specific muscle groups rather than trying to isolate a single muscle. For example, when doing a bench press, the chest is one of the target muscles, but the triceps and the muscles in the shoulders are also working in this motion. Therefore, its best to combine exercises that target multiple muscles in the same workout.

There are different ways to split up muscle groups when working out, depending on the individuals goals and schedule. Here are some examples of workout schedules that include shoulder exercises:

  • Monday: Chest, shoulders, and triceps
  • Monday: Arms and shoulders
  • StrengthLogs Shoulder Workout

Its important to choose a workout schedule that works best for the individuals goals and schedule. Its also important to vary the exercises and the intensity of the workouts to avoid plateauing and to continue making progress.

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