There are several options to use against Aerodactyl, depending on the situation. Here are some suggestions from the search results:
Against Cliffs Aerodactyl:
- Scrafty with Bite
- Magnezone with Spark + Mirror Shot
- Hydro Cannon Swampert
Against Aerodactyl in raids:
- Water-types, such as Blastoise, Kyogre, and Swampert
- Electric-types, such as Xurkitree and Raikou
- Rock-types, such as Rampardos and Rhyperior
- Steel-types, such as Metagross and Diancie
- Ice-types, such as Mamoswine
Its important to note that Aerodactyl is resistant to several types of attacks, including Bug, Fire, Flying, Ground, Normal, and Poison. Therefore, its best to use Pokemon with a double resistance to Aerodactyls fast move, rather than relying on super effective damage. Additionally, players should avoid using Pokemon that are reliant on the move types that Aerodactyl is resistant to.