It is important to wash fruits and vegetables before consuming them to remove dirt, bacteria, and chemical residue. Here are some methods for washing produce:
- Cold water soak with baking soda: The US Food and Drug Administration, the US Department of Agriculture, and other scientists recommend using a cold water soak with baking soda to effectively help remove dirt, chemical residue, and other unwanted materials from fresh vegetables and fruits.
- Vinegar solution: Vinegar is an all-natural way to clean produce without adding any additional chemicals or preservatives. For fruits like apples, pears, peaches, and plums, a vinegar solution is an easy way to make sure all pesticides are removed from the skins. Berries and cherries can also be washed with vinegar.
- Brushing: For firm produce like apples or potatoes, scrub them under a stream of water with a stiff-bristled brush to remove any dirt embedded in the divots. No soap is necessary.
- Rinsing: For delicate produce like berries or mushrooms, hold them under a steady stream of cold tap water and run your fingers gently down the sides to loosen dirt and debris.
It is important to note that soap, bleach, and hot water should not be used to wash produce as they can seep into the fruit or vegetables and cause an upset stomach.