what to wash makeup brushes with

what to wash makeup brushes with

1 year ago 117

To clean makeup brushes, there are several options to choose from. Here are some tips from experts:

  1. Use a gentle soap, gentle shampoo, or makeup brush cleanser.
  2. Wet your brush, making sure to wash only the top part of the brush that comes into contact with makeup and skin, then tap it into the soap to dilute the concentration.
  3. Use a brush cleaning solution.
  4. Try a DIY cleanser, such as a mixture of dish soap and olive oil at a one-to-one ratio.
  5. Use a soap bar.
  6. Rinse the tips of your brushes under lukewarm, running water to remove residual makeup. Only rinse the tip, as submerging the whole brush head will eventually dissolve the glue that connects the brush head to the handle.
  7. Lay your brushes flat to dry on a towel with the tips pointing downward.

It is recommended to clean makeup brushes every 7 to 10 days to protect your skin and kill any harmful bacteria that lingers in your makeup brushes.

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