There are several streaming options available to watch the Friday the 13th movies. Here are some of the options:
Max (formerly HBO Max): You can stream every single movie from the Friday the 13th series on Max. If you already have Max, then just sign into your account, and you can find the movies under the horror category.
Paramount+: Paramount+ offers all of the Friday the 13th movies except for Freddy vs. Jason and the 2009 reboot. As a bonus, the streamer even has the Friday the 13th series that you can also stream for free. Just sign into your account and search for it and you’ll be able to watch it for no additional cost.
Hulu: You can watch the original Friday the 13th movie on Hulu.
Amazon, iTunes, and Vudu: All the Friday the 13th movies are available to rent on these platforms.
If you want to watch all the movies in order, you can follow the chronological order suggested by a Reddit user: 8, 2009, FvJ, 2, 1, 4, JGTH, 5, 3, 7, JX, 6, then finishing on 1. However, the release order is also a good option.