Determining which Twilight character you are can be done through various online quizzes. Here are some options:
- BuzzFeed has a quiz titled "Which Twilight Character Are You?"
- IDRlabs has a "Twilight Character Test" that determines which of seven Twilight characters you resemble the most.
- HowStuffWorks has a quiz titled "Which Twilight Character Are You?"
- Reddit has a quiz titled "Quiz: Which Twilight Character Are You?"
- Quiz Expo has a quiz titled "Which Twilight Character Are You?"
- BrainFall has a quiz titled "Which Twilight Character Are You?"
Each quiz has its own set of questions and methodology for determining which character you are most like. Taking one or more of these quizzes can be a fun way to explore your personality and see which Twilight character you might identify with.