what type is giratina

what type is giratina

1 year ago 36

Giratina is a dual-type Ghost/Dragon Legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation IV). It is known as the Renegade Pokémon and is a member of the creation trio, alongside Dialga and Palkia. Giratina is highly territorial and protective of its home, and legends claim that it lives in a world on the reverse side of the Pokémon world). Giratina has two different forms: Altered Forme and Origin Forme.

  • Altered Forme: In this form, Giratina has six legs and a pair of wings. It is a Ghost/Dragon type Pokémon.

  • Origin Forme: In this form, Giratina has a serpent-like appearance with six floating appendages. It is a Ghost/Dragon type Pokémon.

Giratina is weak against Dark, Dragon, Fairy, Ghost, and Ice-type moves. Some of the Pokémon that can counter Giratina include Umbreon, Weavile, Darkrai, Dragonite, Rayquaza, Salamence, Garchomp, Dialga, Palkia, Haxorus, Hydreigon, Zekrom, Togekiss, Granbull, Gardevoir, Zacian, Gengar, and Chandelure.

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