what type is lapras

what type is lapras

1 year ago 39

Lapras is a dual-type Water/Ice Pokémon introduced in Generation I). It is a marine reptilian Pokémon that resembles a plesiosaur, with a blue hide with darker blue spots and a cream-colored underside. It has large brown eyes, a short horn on its forehead, and tightly curled ears. It has a long neck and four flippers, with the foremost flippers being larger than the hind). Lapras is a gentle and helpful Pokémon that enjoys ferrying people across bodies of water. It is an intelligent Pokémon that is able to understand human speech. Lapras have been known to travel in large pods across the seas, spanning both polar and tropical areas).

Lapras is a dual-type Water/Ice Pokémon). Its type makes it vulnerable to Fighting, Rock, Grass, and Electric moves.

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