what type of cat is garfield

what type of cat is garfield

1 year ago 76

Garfield is an orange tabby cat of an unspecified breed. According to his creator, Jim Davis, Garfield isnt one particular breed or even based off of a singular cat. Instead, he modeled him based on the many cats he met throughout his life. However, based on Garfield's personality, facial features, and striped ginger fur, he is possibly an orange tabby Persian cat or Exotic Shorthair cat (which is the Persian cat’s shorthaired cousin) . Both breeds have laid-back personalities, and love to lay around and enjoy the company of their humans. Taking a look at the breeds’ body types (which are similar), the Persian and Exotic Shorthair have short yet large body frames (referred to as cobby) with a fluffy tail and an adorable, squishy round face. Some experts classify Garfield as a Persian Tabby because of his appearance, which is very similar to that of a Persian Tabby. However, it is difficult to say for sure what kind of cat Garfield is, as he reflects the idea of a cat, not one particular breed.

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