Brisket is a cut of beef that comes from the chest or lower breast of a cow. It is a relatively tough cut of meat because the animal uses the pectoral muscles to walk, run, push itself off the ground, etc. . Brisket is full of connective tissue, so it must be cooked over low heat for a long time to break down the tissue without overcooking the meat. A full brisket is made up of two muscles that overlap. The thickest part of the brisket is called the “point” and the thinner, more uniform part of the brisket is called the “flat” . The point is often more heavily marbled with fat and is often called “fatty brisket” in BBQ joints. The flat is less fatty and called “lean” in restaurants.
In summary, brisket is a type of beef that comes from the chest or lower breast of a cow. It is a relatively tough cut of meat that requires low and slow cooking to break down the connective tissue and make it tender.