When painting a pumpkin, it is recommended to use acrylic paint instead of oil-based paint. Acrylic paint is water-based, quick-drying, easy to use, and easy to clean up. It is also less fumy than oil-based paint and does not require paint thinner to clean the brushes. Acrylic craft paints are a good option for painting pumpkins and are available at most craft stores. Latex paints, such as house paints, can also be used for painting pumpkins. Spray paints are another option for quick and easy painting. When painting a pumpkin, it is important to clean the pumpkin first so that the paint will stick to the surface. Wipe the pumpkin down with a damp paper towel to remove dirt, dust, and debris. If the pumpkin is extremely dirty, brush off clumps of dirt outdoors while wearing garden or work gloves, then rinse the pumpkin off with a hose. Allow the pumpkin to dry completely before painting.