To find out what ward you are in as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, you can use the Meetinghouse Locator tool on the Churchs website. Here are the steps to follow:
- Go to the homepage.
- Find the "Meetinghouse Locator." On the upper right-hand corner of the homepage screen, click on "My Account and Ward." This will give you a drop-down list of options. Click "Meetinghouse Locator" under the column "Tools and Support."
- Once you click on the Meetinghouse Locator, it will bring up a map of all the LDS wards in your current area.
- Narrow your options. If you are searching for a specific address, ward name, or type of LDS ward (for example, a family or student ward), language, or sacrament meeting time, go to the box in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. Select the options you are looking for, then push the blue magnifying glass search button.
- Select an LDS ward. Once the new search results are processed, all the nearby LDS wards that fit your criteria will appear as little red circles on the map. Click a red circle to find out more about the LDS ward you wish to attend.
- Find ward information. Once you click on the red circle, you will find all the information you need for that LDS ward, including the name of the ward, the stake, the language, the time the ward starts, the name and phone number of the bishop, and the address of the meetinghouse.
If you have any trouble finding your ward using this method, you can also try searching for your address on the Churchs Maps website.