Before Google, there were several search engines that people used to search the web. Some of the popular search engines before Google are:
Yahoo: Yahoo was the first search engine to index the web and was the second most popular site online before Google was born.
AltaVista: AltaVista was a popular search engine in the 1990s and was known for its fast and accurate search results.
WebCrawler: WebCrawler was the first search engine to index the entire text of every single page and was known for its comprehensive search results.
Lycos: Lycos was a popular search engine in the 1990s and was known for its directory-style search results.
Inktomi: Inktomi was a search engine that powered several other search engines, including Yahoo and HotBot.
These search engines were vastly different from the search engines we have today and were more primitive in their functionality. They relied heavily on links and categories to index searches and did not have the sophisticated algorithms that Google has today.