what way do you swipe on tinder

what way do you swipe on tinder

1 year ago 135

On Tinder, you swipe left or right to indicate your interest in a potential match. Heres how it works:

  • Swipe right: This means you like or accept someone. When you swipe right on a profile, you're showing your interest in that person. If the other person also swipes right on your profile, you'll be matched up, and you can start a conversation.

  • Swipe left: This means you reject or are uninterested in someone. When you swipe left on a profile, you're indicating that you're not interested in that person. If both people swipe left on each other, there won't be a match.

  • Importance of swiping: Swiping right or left can affect your success on Tinder. It's recommended to swipe genuinely, only swiping right on profiles you're genuinely interested in and left on profiles that aren't your type. This can help you avoid liking too many profiles and improve your chances of finding a good match.

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