what will chandrayaan 3 do after landing on moon

what will chandrayaan 3 do after landing on moon

1 year ago 149

After landing on the moon, Chandrayaan-3 will perform various tasks to study the lunar surface and its environment. Some of the key activities include:

  • Exploration of the lunar south pole: Chandrayaan-3 is specifically designed to target the lunar south pole, which is believed to have water ice or frozen water. This region could be a potential source of oxygen, fuel, and water. The mission aims to study this area in detail and understand its composition and characteristics.

  • Deployment of the rover Pragyaan: Once on the moons surface, Chandrayaan-3 will deploy its rover, Pragyaan. This rover will be responsible for conducting in-situ experiments, collecting data, and sending it back to the lander for transmission to Earth.

  • Scientific studies: The lunar south pole is a rich reserve for scientific research. Chandrayaan-3 will carry out multiple studies to gather data on the moon's geology, mineralogy, and other aspects of its surface and subsurface.

  • Mapping and imaging: The mission will also focus on mapping and imaging the lunar surface in high resolution. This will help scientists and researchers gain a better understanding of the moon's topography and geological features.

  • Long-duration operation: Chandrayaan-3 is expected to continue its operations on the moon until the sun sets on the moon, which is approximately two weeks after landing. This extended duration will allow the mission to gather more data and insights into the lunar environment.

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