what you do meaning in hindi

what you do meaning in hindi

1 year ago 40

"What do you do?" is an English question that translates to "आप क्या करते हैं?" in Hindi. It is a common question asked to know about someones profession or occupation. The word "do" in this question is a verb that means "करना" in Hindi.

When answering this question, one can mention their profession or occupation. For example, "मैं एक विद्यार्थी हूँ।" (I am a student) or "मैं एक इंजीनियर हूँ।" (I am an engineer) .

If someone does not want to answer this question, they can politely decline by saying "मैं इस सवाल का जवाब नहीं देना चाहूँगा।" (I would prefer not to answer this question) .

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