what zone is michigan for planting

what zone is michigan for planting

1 year ago 44

Michigan has a range of planting zones from 4a to 6b, depending on the location. The USDA Michigan planting zone map divides growing zones into 10-degree F (-12 C) . The Michigan plant map includes zones of cooler areas like 4a, 4b, 5a, and 5b, and warmer pockets in the state that include zones 6a and 6b. The zones are cooler in the upper peninsula of the state, with Zone 4 encompassing the entire northern part of the state. Zone 5 encompasses the middle of the state, with Zone 6 stretching up along the eastern and western sides on the portions of the state bordered by water.

Knowing which growing zone you reside in is important when selecting flowers, trees, shrubs, or perennial food crops for your landscape and garden areas. Within each growing zone are microclimates, which exist because of landscape features such as hills or valleys or hardscape elements including buildings, concrete, etc. Other factors such as the winter sun, wind, humidity, and soil nutrients play a role in determining how hardy a particular plant will be through the winter.

If you are looking to plant vegetables in Detroit, Michigan, it is located in USDA Hardiness Zone 6. The first frost date in Detroit is 10/13 and the last frost date is 5/2. It is important to plant vegetable seeds or transplants at the correct time to get the most out of them. You can use the last and first frost dates to calculate your planting schedules.

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