when to start using stretch mark cream during pregnancy review

when to start using stretch mark cream during pregnancy review

1 year ago 48

According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD), it is recommended to start treatment for stretch marks as soon as they appear. Therefore, it is best to start using a pregnancy stretch mark cream in the first trimester. Most stretch mark creams contain ingredients such as shea butter, vitamin E, and oils, which are not harmful to a fetus. However, it is important to read ingredient lists before committing to a purchase, as some creams may contain harmful ingredients, such as retinol.

Here are some of the best stretch mark creams for pregnancy, according to various sources:

  • Palmers Cocoa Butter Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks
  • Mutha Body Butter
  • Mommy Knows Best Stretch Mark Vanishing Cream
  • Burt’s Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter
  • Glow Organics Belly Butter
  • Mustela Stretch Marks Cream
  • Earth Mama Belly Butter

Stretch mark creams can help moisturize the skin and relieve any itchiness or discomfort. While there is not much concrete evidence that stretch mark creams work to prevent or eliminate marks during pregnancy, they may help make them less pronounced and noticeable by improving skin elasticity and smoothing the skin. It is important to note that stretch mark creams appear to work best on newer stretch marks.

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