will testosterone help me lose weight review

will testosterone help me lose weight review

1 year ago 37

Testosterone therapy can lead to weight loss, reduction in waist circumference, and decrease in body mass index (BMI) . Testosterone helps increase the number of calories we burn, keeps us motivated to stay physically active, enhances metabolism, and helps maintain muscle mass. However, there is no evidence that replacement therapy causes weight loss in healthy men with normal testosterone levels. Obesity itself may suppress testosterone levels, and low testosterone levels reduce muscle mass and calorie expenditure, which may promote weight gain over time. A clinical study of obese men showed that a boost in testosterone levels reduces fat mass and produces sustained and significant weight loss.

Testosterone boosters can support weight loss, but there are still many questions surrounding the details of how thats possible. Some herbs and supplements may help your body make testosterone while others may help relieve symptoms of low testosterone. However, research has not shown that testosterone boosters are effective, and experts recommend that people avoid using testosterone supplements and instead use FDA-approved treatments.

In summary, testosterone therapy can lead to weight loss, but it is not a guaranteed solution for weight loss. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, to promote weight loss and maintain adequate testosterone levels.

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