what are microbes in water

what are microbes in water

1 year ago 97

Microbes are microscopic organisms that can be found in water, including bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Some of these microbes can cause adverse health effects, such as cholera, salmonellosis, and shigellosis. The presence of coliform bacteria, specifically E. coli, in drinking water suggests the water may contain harmful pathogens. Testing drinking water for coliform bacteria is a simple way to determine if the water is safe to drink.

Biofilms are groups of waterborne germs, like bacteria, fungi, and amebas, that live together and release a slimy, glue-like substance. This slime allows the germs to stick to surfaces and keeps water treatment chemicals, such as chlorine, away from the germs, which helps the germs survive and multiply. Some potentially harmful germs that can grow and multiply in a homes water system include nontuberculous mycobacteria, Legionella spp., and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Microbiological water analysis is mainly based on the concept of fecal indicator bacteria. The main bacteria present in human and animal feces and the most important fecal indicator bacteria are presented and discussed. The emerging pathogenic bacteria of concern have the potential to be spread through drinking water, but they do not correlate with the presence of E. coli or with other commonly used drinking water quality indicators, such as coliform bacteria.

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