what grade is a 94

what grade is a 94

1 year ago 33

A 94% grade is equivalent to an A letter grade. On a 4.0 GPA scale, a 94% is equivalent to a 4.0. Here is a breakdown of the letter grades and their corresponding numerical ranges:

  • A: 94-100%
  • A-: 90-93%
  • B+: 87-89%
  • B: 83-86%
  • B-: 80-82%
  • C+: 77-79%
  • C: 73-76%
  • C-: 70-72%
  • D+: 67-69%
  • D: 63-66%
  • D-: 60-62%
  • F: below 60%

Therefore, a 94% grade falls within the A range.

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