what is an american xl bully dog

what is an american xl bully dog

1 year ago 94

The American XL Bully is a breed of dog that was developed as a companion dog and is a modern breed of dog that was originally standardized and recognized as a breed in 2004 by the American Bully Kennel Club (ABKC) . The American Bully is a highly adaptable and trainable breed and there are several types, ranging from pocket to XXL in size and weight. The American Bully Kennel Club lists four types of American bullies that are determined by an adult dog’s height. They are the Pocket American Bully, the Standard American Bully, the Classic, and finally the XL Bully. Although they differ in size, these dogs’ general configuration and appearance remain constant in that they should be medium/large-size dogs with compact muscular bodies, heavy bones, and blocky squarish heads. The XL Bully can weigh more than nine stone (60kg) and is strong enough to overpower an adult. The American XL Bully is a cross between the American Pit Bull Terrier (Pitbull) and the American Bulldog, Olde English Bulldog, English Bulldog, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and French Bulldog. The temperament of adult dogs is very much dependent on training, and the breed can be very demanding and needs to be properly trained. The American Bully is not recognized by the Kennel Club or American Kennel Club (AKC) as a purebred dog.

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