what is suet made from

what is suet made from

1 year ago 35

Suet is a type of saturated fat that is used in many traditional British recipes, such as steamed puddings, pastry, and sweet mincemeat. It is made from the fat that surrounds the kidneys of animals, mostly cows and sheep, and is removed from the meat, clarified, chopped, and then boiled in water, which removes any impurities. Upon cooling, the water and fat separate, and the remaining fat is suet. Suet has a crumbly texture and stays solid at room temperature, so it can result in a less-greasy pie crust than butter would yield.

To summarize, suet is made from the fat that surrounds the kidneys of cows and sheep. It is a type of saturated fat that is used in many traditional British recipes, such as steamed puddings, pastry, and sweet mincemeat.

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