The full form of MAN is Metropolitan Area Network. It is a computer network that connects multiple local area networks (LANs) within a metropolitan area, which could be a single large city or multiple cities. The scope and scale of the various computer designs can be used in networking as a classification method. Area network types frequently include LAN, WLAN, WAN, SAN, PAN, CAN, DAN, and MAN. The characteristics of MAN include the ability to cover a large area, ranging from a group of buildings to the entire city, data speeds that are average to high, and high-speed connectivity because it mostly prefers optical fibers as a medium. MAN provides high security, which ultimately leads to a lower error rate. The advantages of MAN include high-speed connectivity, high security, the capacity to serve multiple users at a time with the same high-speed internet, and the ability to carry transmitting data in both directions. The disadvantages of MAN include the fact that the design of MAN is considerably complicated, making it difficult to maintain, and it is extremely expensive to set up.